CTIPP is excited to announce that we’re participating in this year’s “Giving Tuesday," which is a global movement to share, collaborate, and celebrate generosity with over 80 participating countries and 260 U.S. community campaigns. 

The fundraising campaign will support PressOn through the Dan Press Memorial Fund, our initiative that unites local, state, and regional trauma-informed coalitions into a national alliance that acts as the “switchboard” to connect and mobilize the movement.

You can give hope, healing, and resilience to communities across America by donating today to CTIPP’s Giving Tuesday campaign. Donations are tax-deductible, and the fundraising drive ends at 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday, November 29, 2022.

CTIPP relies on donations and grants to provide all who are interested with opportunities to engage in and support the trauma-informed movement at no cost.


Your Friends at CTIPP


Natural Disasters are Traumatic: Urge Congress to Support Three Bills to Help Communities Heal. Bipartisan Congressional legislation would help expedite and improve healing during future natural disasters. Learn more and urge your Member of Congress to support the Post-Disaster Mental Health Response Act, R.I.S.E. from Trauma Act, and Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act.

Interested in Briefing Your Federal Legislators? CTIPP is offering to partner, coordinate, and set up the logistics, so you can virtually brief your U.S. Senate and House representatives on trauma-informed policies and practices in your community, sector, or system. Email our Director of Government Affairs Jen Curt (jen@traumacampaign.org) to start the process.

The Florida Institute for Child Welfare is seeking a Director (Research Faculty) to manage a growing organization and new legislative mandates focusing on enhancing the child welfare workforce from classroom to casework to competent leadership.


November 3: The Hawaiʻi Children's Trust Fund is hosting a webinar on how and why Hawai'i became a Trauma-Informed Care state with a new Office of Wellness and Community. Attendees will learn how they gathered community stakeholders, the importance of collaborative cross-sector coordination, and the challenges/celebrations in building community resilience.

November 3, 10, 17, and December 1: Virtual Book Club with the Trauma Research Foundation on The Politics of Trauma, for therapists and social activists who understand that trauma healing is not just for individuals—and that social change is not just for movement builders.

November 8: ELECTION DAY. Check out our advocacy series, particularly the module on how to identify and engage with policymakers and candidates.

November 16: CTIPP’s next Community Advocacy Network (CAN) call will pilot a new tool – Airmeet – to further the movement’s ability to network and share learned experiences. Airmeet enhances our ability to provide more interactive and engaging presentations, breakout sessions, polling, and more. Create an account and learn more about this innovative platform.

November 30: The Lunch Hour with Bruce Perry, M.D., Ph.D. Hosted by Collectively Rooted and Heal PA, join this free discussion with Dr. Perry on abuse, neglect, and trauma’s impact on the developing brain. His many books include co-authoring What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing (2021) with Oprah Winfrey



Want to maximize your collaboration with colleagues and stakeholders? Set intentions at the start of the meeting to help strengthen social and emotional well-being – for individuals and collectively! Before each meeting, ask yourself and/or the team any of the following:

  • What do I/we want this person/people to know?  Why? 
  • What do I/we want this person/people to feel? Why? 
  • What do I/we want this person/people to do? Why? 
  • What do I/we want to learn from this person/group? Why? 

Based on what you identify, reverse engineer strategies and tactics to help you/the group create outcomes connected that reach the above intentions. E.G., what steps will you/the group take to ensure everyone is aligned and engaged?


Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice
1050 Thomas Jefferson Street NW Seventh Floor | Washington, District of Columbia 20007
(215) 370-1362 | jesse@traumacampaign.org

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